If you’re not finished with the baby-naming game this article in Wired will shed new light on how we come up with baby names and why they tend to travel in herds.
Naming has become increasingly difficult as available domain names disappear faster than the independent farmer did in the 1900’s. I mean how successful can your child become if they don’t have a brandable name complete with it’s own domain name?
Seriously though, don’t sweat over choosing the perfect name because there isn’t such a thing. Your kid is going to be just fine with almost any name you attach to them. For more information on why the name is going to sound like everyone else’s any way read the full article on Wired: Why Your Baby’s Name Will Sound Like Everyone Else’s
Interesting article. My husband and I made a point to stay away from popular baby names when naming our sons. I was given a popular name and it was such a hassle growing up when there was always at least one or two other girls in my class with the same name as me.